運籌及管理科學國際年會The 2018 INFORMS International Conference

  • 2018-05-17
  • SystemAdmin
  • 時間:2018/6/15~6/20
  • 地點:台北國際會議中心
  • 說明:此次主題是「以創新運籌/分析與人工智能創造更美好的世界」,講者皆為世界頂尖專家,包括學術界、業界及及有前景的新創公司,將展示最先進的運籌、分析和人工智能研究與應用,另外還提供研修議程(tutorial tracks)和主題式的業界場次(industry tracks),包括新零售、工業4.0、智能城市、智能醫療、智能農業……
  • Time:2018/6/15~6/20
  • Venue:Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
  • About:The 2018 INFORMS International Conference features: A Better World Through O.R., Analytics, and AI. World renowned experts and scholars from academia, industries, and promising start-ups gather to-gether to demonstrate the most advanced OR, analytics, and AI research and applications. Additionally, the conference also includes tutorial tracks and themed industry tracks, such as new retailing, industry 4.0, smart city, smart healthcare, and intelligent agriculture…
The 2018 INFORMS International Conference
  • 時間:2018/6/15~6/20
  • 地點:台北國際會議中心
  • Time:2018/6/15~6/20
  • Venue:Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)


運籌及管理科學學會(Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, INFOMRS)是一個由12,500名在運籌、分析專業人士和學生組成的國際組織,連結90個國家來自包括學術界、業界、政府等在內的各類組織,透過一系列高品質的期刊、會議、競賽、社群網絡和專業服務,促進運籌學、管理科學和分析方面的最佳實踐和進步,從而改進運營流程、決策和成果。 運籌及管理科學國際年會(INFORMS International Conference)是INFOMRS在管理科學領域內,世界規模最大、最具影響力的學術年會,旨在通過組織各類研討會等國際學術交流活動,促進和推動管理科學領域內各學科在國際範圍內的廣泛學術交流。此次會議已受到800多篇論文投稿,Keynote/Plenary/Tutorial 講者約計40位國際知名講者,參會人數預計可達1,000人。


今年將在2018/6/15~20於台北國際會議中心舉辦,此次的主題是「以創新運籌/分析與人工智能創造更美好的世界」,講者皆為世界頂尖專家,包括學術界、業界及有前景的新創公司,將展示最先進的運籌、分析和人工智能研究與應用,另外還提供研修議程(tutorial tracks)和主題式的業界場次(industry tracks),包括新零售、工業4.0、智能城市、智能醫療、智能農業和金融科技等。此外,在會議之前(2018/6/15~17),將先舉辦未來金融與健康黑客松(Hackathon)競賽,以鼓勵更多人才投入運籌/分析和人工智能,獎項將頒發給來自學術界或業界的優秀團隊以及新創企業。詳情請參考網頁連結:http://meetings2.informs.org/wordpress/2018international/


With over 12,500 members from around the globe, INFORMS is the lead-ing international association for professionals in operations research and analytics.INFORMS promotes best practices and advances in operations research, management science, and analytics to improve operational processes, decision-making, and outcomes through an array of highly-cited publications, conferences, competitions, networking improve operational processes, decision-making, and outcomes through an array of highly-cited publications, conferences, competitions, networking communities, and professional development services. INFORMS International Conference is the largest and most influential academic conference in the management science domain. INFORMS is dedicated to organizing various kinds of seminars to promote and advocate management science through extensive international academic exchange. The conference has received more than 800 papers with keynote, plenary, and tutorial speeches from about 40 internationally renowned speakers. The number of attendees of the conference is expected to reach 1,000.

About Conference

Scheduled from 2018/6/15~6/20, the 2018 INFORMS International Con-ference features: A Better World Through O.R., Analytics, and AI. World renowned experts and scholars from academia, industries, and promising start-ups gather together to demonstrate the most advanced OR, analyt-ics, and AI research and applications. Additionally, the conference also includes tutorial tracks and themed industry tracks, such as new retailing, industry 4.0, smart city, smart healthcare, intelligent agriculture, and fintech. The Future Finance and Healthcare Hackathon will be taking place right before the conference from 2018/6/15 to 6/17. To encourage more participation in OR, analytics, and AI, prizes will be given to teams or start-ups from the academia or industry alike for their outstanding per-formance. For more information, please click the link:


2018 INFORMS國際研討會議由亞洲大學林蔚君(Grace Lin)副校長擔任大會主席,並由國際知名的學者專家擔任各委員會主席,策劃共12場大師講堂(Plenary Keynote)、14場國際專題演講(Tutorials)、14場產業分享(Industrial Tracks)。

Organizing Committee

Dr. Grace Lin, vice president of Asia University, is the 2018 INFORMS general chair, along with world renowned scholars and experts as chairs of the committee. There are a total of 40 speeches, including 12 plenary speeches, 14 tutorials, and 14 industrial tracks.
