
  • 2018-05-15
  • SystemAdmin
  • 時間: 2018-06-08(五) 3:30~5:30PM
  • 地點: 台北市羅斯福路四段85號 B1 (集思台大會議中心 米開朗基羅廳)
  • 說明: 「臺灣金融科技協會」偕同「立法院推動區塊鏈連線」、專家學者與業者意見,初擬了「區塊鏈暨加密貨幣自律組織」業者自律宣言,於今日的成立大會上,由參與的成員聯合簽署,為台灣區塊鏈產業國際發展奠定新的里程碑。此宣言重點如下:「為促進成員發揚自律精神、恪遵法令規定、提昇商業道德並建立市場紀律…
  • Time: 2018/6/8, Fri. 3:30~5:30 PM
  • Venue:Michelangelo Hall, GIS NTU Convention Center, B1F, No. 85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • About:Taiwan FinTech Association, along with Parliamentary Coalition for Blockchain, experts, scholars, and operators have drafted a declara-tion for the Taiwan Crypto Blockchain Self-Regulatory Organization which is to be co-signed by all the participating members at the founding recep-tion today. It is a milestone in Taiwan’s blockchain industry and paves the way for its international development. The declaration states the follow-ing: “For the sake of promoting self-regulatory spirit, abiding by the law, raising corporate ethics, and building up market disciplines…
Forum of the Development and Self-regulation
of Blockchain and Cryto-currency

時間: 2018/6/8(五) 3:30~5:30PM

Time: 2018/6/8, Fri. 3:30~5:30 PM
Venue : Michelangelo Hall, GIS NTU Convention Center, B1F, No. 85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.




自律組織的籌備發起,只是一個開始,接下來將安排一連串的小聚與會議,除了交流外,也邀請區塊鏈愛好者集思廣益,找出交易所運作與加密貨幣發行營運銷售及ICO資訊透明化與保護消費者權益的最佳典範(best practices),以研擬一個具體可行的自律機制,讓這個自律組織的運作步上軌道。台灣金融科技協會將在2018/6/8下午3:30~5:30於台大集思會議中心米開朗基羅廳(台北市羅斯福路四段85號 B1) 舉辦SRO成立後的第一個論壇「區塊鏈與加密貨幣產業發展與自律規範」,由臺灣金融科技協會王可言理事長主持,與談人包括金管會鄭貞茂副主委、自律組織的共同發起人 許毓仁委員、蔡玉玲前政委、AMIS劉世偉執行長、與相關業者一同探討「區塊鏈與加密貨幣自律規範與產業發展」,請您來共襄盛舉。


Blockchain and Cryptocurrency’s Development in Full Swing

The development of blockchain and cryptocurrency has been in full swing  worldwide for the past year. Taiwan has also taken the opportunity to follow the international trends. In order to support blockchain and cryptocurrency operators for their responsible innovative applications, to guide the industry development to the right direction, and to avoid speculation that may deter the development of the industry,Taiwan FinTech Association, along with Parliamentary Coalition for Blockchain, experts, scholars, and operators have announced to found Taiwan Crypto Blockchain Self-Regulatory Organization on 2018/5/22 at the Legislative Yuan. More than 100 participants read out a self-regulation declaration at the ceremony that marked the start of consensus, hoping to work together to create business opportunities and make Taiwan the center of the fast-growing global blockchain development.


Calling for Low Regulation, Gaining Consensus on Self-regulation

Blockchain is a rising business field that has been developing rapidly. The market values of cryptocurrencies rise and fall sharply that results in speculations and frauds. Since these  patterns are changing so quickly, either there are no regulations yet, or the regulations are not comprehensive enough to monitor trading activities. Besides, going on cross-border is a feature of blockchain; therefore the monitoring strength of a single country is limited. While the government is still figuring out how to effectively monitor the market, operators ought to be regulating themselves in a responsible manner allowing the government to adopt a lower regulation to create a friendly environment for this innovation industry of high growth potential to flourish.


Cooperation and Self-regulation for a Win-win Situation

Setting up a self-regulatory organization is merely a start followed by numerous get-togethers and meetings during which blockchain followers will be invited to brainstorm how the exchange works, how cryptocurrencies are published and traded, and how information is kept open to the public in order to protect the rights and interests of consumers, hence setting an example for best practice. A concrete, practical self-regulatory system is hoped to be in place to allow the organization to run smoothly. Taiwan FinTech Association is holding its first forum since the establishment of SRO, featuring “Development and Self-regulation of Blockchain and Crytocurrency” from 3:30 to 5:30 PM, 2018/6/8, at Michelangelo Hall, GIS NTU Convention Center, B1F, No. 85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei. The forum will be hosted by Dr. Ko-Yang Wang, president of Taiwan FinTech Association. The panelists include Mr. Cheng-Mount Cheng, vice chairman of the Financial Supervisory Commission, legislator Yu-Jen Hsu, Ms. Yu-Lin Tsai, ex-administrative councilor, Mr. Alex Liu, CEO of AMIS, and other related operators. Please come join us  at the forum.



15:30-16:10 區塊鏈與加密貨幣自律簡介

王可言 理事長
許毓仁 委員

16:10-17:30 區塊鏈與加密貨幣自律規範與產業發展

與談人: 金管會 鄭貞茂副主委
立法院 許毓仁委員
理慈科技法律事務所 蔡玉玲共同創辦人
AMIS,MaiCoin 劉世偉創辦人

主持人:王可言 理事長

臺灣金融科技協會:劉仲祥  秘書長


