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5/21亞洲大學以及中國醫藥大學聯合主辦2018生物醫學 / AI運用於健康照護國際工作坊,邀請來自美國學術界和實業界的四位AI和醫療保健專家到校進行訪問以及深度交流,了解最近AI運用於健康照護的研發情況及國際間應用趨勢,此次工作坊吸引了將近50位專業領域之學者、醫師一同前來參與討論,未來隨著科技持續發展,AI一定能夠在醫療的領域上有更多的貢獻以及創造新商機。



13:50-14:00 報到 Registration
14:00-14:15 Opening 生物醫學工作坊 Workshop on BioMed

主持人:卓夙航教授(中國醫藥大學 生技製藥暨食品科學院新藥開發研究所) Moderator: Prof. Juo, Suh-Hang (Institute of New Drug Development, CMU)

14:15-15:00 主講人:Dr. Kai Wang(系統生物學機構(ISB) 首席科學家,西雅圖,華盛頓) Speaker: Dr. Kai Wang(principal scientist, Institute for Systems Biology (ISB), Seattle, Washington)

Talk Title: Using the spectrum of circulating RNA to assess therapeutic adverse effects at systemic level.

15:00-15:45 主講人:沈剑刚教授(香港大學中醫藥學院教授、副院長(科研),研究生管理委員會主席) Speaker: Prof. Jiangang Shen (Chairman of Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee ,School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong)

Talk Title: Targeting Neural Stem/progenitor Cells for Neurogenesis for Post-stroke Brain Repair: Opportunity and Challenge for Chinese Herbal Medicine

15:45- 雙向交流 Bilateral Exchange


15:00-15:15 報到 Registration
15:15-15:30 Opening AI運用於健康照護 Workshop on AI & Healthcare 主持人:林蔚君教授(亞洲大學副校長暨大數據研究中心主任) Moderator: Dr. Grace Lin (Vice President, Asia University Chair Professor & Director, Big Data and FinTech Research Institute, AU)
15:30-16:15 主講人:Dr. Pei-Yun S. Hsueh(IBM T.J. Watson研究院,約克城高地,紐約) Speaker: Dr. Pei-Yun S. Hsueh(IBM Academy of Technology Member & Research Staff Member, Center for Computational Health, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY)

Talk Title: Integrating Data Science with Science of Care for Precision Healthcare: Applications of Computational Behavior Science in an Interpretable AI Fashion for Maximally Supported, Minimally Disruptive Medicine

16:15-17:00 主講人:陳紫雲教授(Profectus生物科技公司 執行董事,珀爾里弗,紐約) Speaker: Dr.Tracy Chen(Executive Director, Profectus BioSciences, Inc., Pearl River, NY)

Talk Title: AI in the Pharma World

17:00- 雙向交流 Bilateral Exchange
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Agenda and Speakers’ Information

Venue : 2nd Meeting Room, 6 F. Li-Fu Medical Bldg., China Medical Uni-versity

13:50-14:00 報到 Registration
14:00-14:15 Opening 生物醫學工作坊 Workshop on BioMed

主持人:卓夙航教授(中國醫藥大學 生技製藥暨食品科學院新藥開發研究所) Moderator: Prof. Juo, Suh-Hang (Institute of New Drug Development, CMU)

14:15-15:00 主講人:Dr. Kai Wang(系統生物學機構(ISB) 首席科學家,西雅圖,華盛頓) Speaker: Dr. Kai Wang(principal scientist, Institute for Systems Biology (ISB), Seattle, Washington)

Talk Title: Using the spectrum of circulating RNA to assess therapeutic adverse effects at systemic level.

15:00-15:45 主講人:沈剑刚教授(香港大學中醫藥學院教授、副院長(科研),研究生管理委員會主席) Speaker: Prof. Jiangang Shen (Chairman of Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee ,School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong)

Talk Title: Targeting Neural Stem/progenitor Cells for Neurogenesis for Post-stroke Brain Repair: Opportunity and Challenge for Chinese Herbal Medicine

15:45- 雙向交流 Bilateral Exchange

Venue : 1st Meeting Room, 7 F. Li-Fu Medical Bldg., China Medical Uni-versity

15:00-15:15 報到 Registration
15:15-15:30 Opening AI運用於健康照護 Workshop on AI & Healthcare 主持人:林蔚君教授(亞洲大學副校長暨大數據研究中心主任) Moderator: Dr. Grace Lin (Vice President, Asia University Chair Professor & Director, Big Data and FinTech Research Institute, AU)
15:30-16:15 主講人:Dr. Pei-Yun S. Hsueh(IBM T.J. Watson研究院,約克城高地,紐約) Speaker: Dr. Pei-Yun S. Hsueh(IBM Academy of Technology Member & Research Staff Member, Center for Computational Health, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY)

Talk Title: Integrating Data Science with Science of Care for Precision Healthcare: Applications of Computational Behavior Science in an Interpretable AI Fashion for Maximally Supported, Minimally Disruptive Medicine

16:15-17:00 主講人:陳紫雲教授(Profectus生物科技公司 執行董事,珀爾里弗,紐約) Speaker: Dr.Tracy Chen(Executive Director, Profectus BioSciences, Inc., Pearl River, NY)

Talk Title: AI in the Pharma World

17:00- 雙向交流 Bilateral Exchange
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